VIM Basic Usage:

Insert Mode / Command mode:

Enter Insert Mode:


Return to Command mode:


Move around in Command mode:

h – left
j – down
k – up
l – right

Word Movement in Command mode:

w – start of next word
e – moves to end of word
b – beginning of the word

Combine numbers with word movement:

3w – pressing w three times
9l – moce nine space to the right

Insert Text repeatedly:

30i- ESC – prints 30 –

Find Characters using f and F / (Combine it with numbers):

fo – find the first occurance of o
3fg – find the 3rd occurance of g

Move in between sets of Parentheses with %:

% – Moves back and fourth between () or {} or []

Move to the beginning of the line and the end of the line:

0 – Move to the beginning of the line
$ – Move to the end of the line

Find the Next/previous occurrence of the current highlighted word:

* – Next occurrence
# – previous occurrence

Move to Beginning/End/Specific Line of the file:

gg – takes you to the beginning of the file
G – takes you to the end of the file
5G – takes you to the 5th line

Search text for a specific pattern then find subsequent/previous matches:

/gum ENTER – find the first occurrance of gum
n – find the next occurrance of what was searched with /
SHIFT+n – go to previous occurrance of what was searched

Inserting text into a new line:

o – creates a new line below current line and brings you to insert mode
O – create a new line above current line and bring you to insert mode

Remove the highlighted character or the character to the left:

x – remove a single character thats highlighted
X – remove a single character before the highligted character

Replace a single character without entering insert mode:

rs – replace one character thats highlighted with s

d is used for deleting:

dw – deletes the first word to the right of the cursor
db – deletes to the beginning of the previous word
de – deletes to the end of the word
d2e – deletes two words

Paste deleted characters or words with p:

p – paste the previously deleted content

Repeat the previous command

. – repeat the previous command

Visual Mode: allows you to select text using movement before you decide what to do with it

v – Enter visual mode
veld – enter visual mode select to the end of the word and delete it

Visual Block Mode: Allows to inset text on many lines at once

ctrl+v – enter visual block mode
Select blocks that you wish to insert into then “L” to prepend the blocks with which text you would like to insert

Saving/Quitting/Qutting without saving:

:w – save/write changes
:q – quit
:q! – quit and don’t save changes

Undo and redo:

u – undo
ctrl+R – redo

VIM Powerful Navigation:

Single Line Navigation-

^ – go to first non blank character of the line
g_ – go to last non blank character of the line

Screen Navigation-

H – go to first line of the current screen
M – go to the middle line of the current screen
L – go to last line of current screen
ctrl+f – Go down one screen
ctrl+b – Go Up one screen
ctrl+d – Go up half a screen
ctrl+u – Go down half a screen

Special Navigation-

N% – go to the nth% of the file
”’ – go to the position where you were in command mode when last closing file
‘^ -go to the position where you were in insert mode when last closing file

Word/Paragraph Navigation-

Example: – single WORD(Non-blank Characters) – 7 words(sequence of letters, digits, underscores)

e – go to end of current word
E – go to the end of the current WORD
b – go to previous word
B – go to previous WORD
w – go to next word
W – go to next WORD
{ – beginning of current paragraph
{{ – navigate up two paragraphs
} – end of current paragraph
}} – move down two paragraphs

Command Line Navigation options:

vim +N [/path/to/file] – go to the Nth line of a file after opening
vim +/pattern [file] – go to the first occurrance of the pattern once the file is opened
vim +?pattern [file] – go to last occurrance of the pattern once the file is opened

Find and Replace Usage:

Syntax – :[range]s/[pattern]/[replacevalue]/[flags] [count]

c – Confirm each substitution
g – Replace all occurrences in the line
i – ignore case for pattern

Replace all instances of pattern throughout a whole file:


Replace all words in a line with another word and ignore case:


Replace all instances of a word with another word in a range of lines:


Use Visual Block to Select what to search and replace through:

ctrl+v select block, then :’<,'>s/[pattern]/new_value]/g

Replace all instances of a word with another in a specified amount of lines:

:s/[pattern]/[new_value]/g [number]

Force Whole word Substitution:

:s/\<[pattern] \>/[new_vaule]/

Using an or statement:

:%s/\ ([pattern1]\|[pattern2]\)/[new_value]/g

Using an or statement with Regex:

:%s/\<\ ([pattern1]\|[pattern2]\) \>/[new_vaule]/g

Using Interactive Option:

y – replace current highlighted word
n – don’t replace curent highlighted word
a – replace all highlighted occurrances
l – replace only current highlighted words and terminate find replace


Automagic Word Completion in Vim:

Word Completion – Move forward – ctrl+x, then ctrl+n
Word Completion – Move backward – ctrl+x, then ctrl+p