dnsmap Installation and Usage:
Download the file from Google Code:
wget http://dnsmap.googlecode.com/files/dnsmap-0.30.tar.gz
Untar the file:
tar -xzf dnsmap-0.30.tar.gz
Change into the Directory and Compile the binary:
cd dnsmap-0.30/
sudo make install
dnsmap Usage Examples:
Specify Which wordlist to use:
dnsmap [Target Domain] -w [/path/to/wordlist]
Different Output methods (regular results/ csv results)
dnsmap [Target Domain] -r [/path/to/results.txt]
dnsmap [Target Domain] -c [/path/to/results.csv]
Add a Delay between requests in millisecs:
dnsmap [Target Domain] -d [Delay]
Ignore IPs that are out of Scope:
dnsmap [Target Domin] -i [Ignore IPs]