Useful Nmap commands:
Quick Ping Sweep(Single Host, Mulitple Hosts, Range, CIDR/*:
nmap -sP [Target IP]
nmap -sP [Target1 IP] [Target2 IP]
nmap -sP [Target Range]
nmap -sP [Target Subnet/CIDR]
or nmap -sP [Target Subnet *]
Check for a specific port(Check port on TCP/UDP):
nmap -p [Target Port] [Target IP]
nmap -p T:[TCP Port] [Target IP]
nmap -p U:[UDP Port] [Target IP]
Check for common ports(1-1024) / Scan a number of Top ports:
nmap [Target IP]
nmap –top-ports 10 [Target IP]
Fast port scan only:
nmap -F [Target IP]
Increased verbosity:
nmap -v [Target IP]
nmap -vv [Target IP]
Only Scan for TCP ports / Scan for only UDP ports / Attempt to identify service version:
nmap -sT [Target IP]
sudo nmap -sU [Target IP]
nmap -sV [Target IP]
Do OS detection:
nmap -O [Target IP]
Use a list / Exclude from list:
nmap -iL [/dir/targets.txt]
nmap -iL [/dir/targets.txt] –exclude [Target IP]
IDS/IPS/Firwall Evasion with SYN Scan and FIN Scan / Don’t Ping!:
nmap -sS [Target IP]
nmap -sF [Target IP]
nmap [Target IP] -PN
Give a reason for detection or block:
nmap [Target IP] --reason
Stateful Device (Firwall/IDS/IPS) detection with an ACK scan/Null scan/Xmas Scan:
nmap -sA [Target IP]
nmap -sN [Target IP]
nmap -sX [Target IP]
Fragment Packets (More evasion):
nmap -f [Target IP]
Scan IPv6 host:
nmap -6 [Target IPv6]
Don’t Resolve DNS:
nmap -n [Target IP]
Decoy Scan(Add more IPs to throw off detectors):
nmap -D[Decoy IP1, Decoy IP2, Decoy IP3] [Target IP]
Different nmap Timings (Speed up or Slow down your scan):
nmap -T5 [Target IP]
nmap -T0 [Target IP]
Saving nmap Output(normal / grepable / XML):
nmap -oN [/path/filename.txt] [Target IP]
nmap -oG [/path/filename] [Target IP]
nmap -oX [/path/filename.xml] [Target IP]
Nmap Scripting Engine:
Execute Individual Scripts
nmap --script [script.nse] [target]
Execute Multiple Scripts
nmap --script [expression] [target]
Script Categories
all, auth, default, discovery, external, intrusive, malware, safe, vuln
Execute Scripts by Category
nmap --script [category] [target]
Execute Multiple Script Categories
nmap --script [category1,category2,etc]
IP-Geo Locate with nmap:
nmap --script ip-geolocation-* [Target IP]
Vuln Scanner:
nmap --script vuln [Target IP]